Team Anthems

Throughout history anthems have joined races, nations and communities. There is something about singing together that instills a sense of pride in where you belong. How about giving this opportunity to your teams to create your organization’s anthem?

Teams will be supported with lyricists and musicians who will facilitate the teams to weave magic in their words and the results would delight and surprise all involved

Make the teams compete and present their pieces vying for creating an official winner of your organization and also a chance to be a part of the glorious history of your organization

Learning Objects
  • Cementing values, mission
  • Sparking creativity
  • Instilling a sense of pride
Suggested Event Occasions
  • Launch of Mission Vision and Value proposition
  • Launching of a new business line
  • Annual Sales /Meet – gunning for that ambitious target
  • To mark special days – eg founders day
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