Case Study Comes Alive

Case Study Comes Alive – while we all have always acknowledged the value case studies bring to us, we sometimes squirm at the idea of going through those long pages of written material. Imagine instead of reading, a group comes and performs the plot of the case. Whatever the current situation you are dealing with – conflict resolution, trust, barriers in communication, effective leadership skills we will get you the best available cases and put up an act on it. Let your teams come and watch the action and completely understand the nuances of the case. Now, here comes the most interesting bit – the solution to the questions raised in the play will be presented in enacted by your own teams. Teams come together to discuss their interpretations of the case and get ready with solutions and enact the same.

This is a unique twist to case learning which guarantees maximum involvement and healthy discussions. This will also be direct feedback to the leadership team on the different ways in which your team members are perceiving the solution to the burning issues of the organization.

Learning Objectives
  • Customized Solutions to the organization’s current challenge
  • Empathy leads to a more bonded team
  • Spin-off learning benefits – Body Language, communication and Self-projection Skills
  • Influencing Skills
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